Action, Art, and the Art of Success

Creating success doesn’t happen overnight; nor does it happen by accident. To be truly successful, you need to find what’s unique about YOU, and how you can use that to create success.

A few days ago I returned from trip to the beautiful city of Austin, TX, where I spent the weekend eating, training, and pow-wowing with the RFS Mastermind crew.


First, let me say that of all the BBQ I’ve had in my life, Texas BBQ is the best, hands down.

(Not pictured because I am an idiot who doesn’t take a lot of pictures.)

And these bad boys from Voodoo Donuts weren’t exactly terrible either.

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Thankfully, I was able to burn off all some of those calories. On Friday we had the opportunity to visit Onnit headquarters and train at their gym. Not only that, but we got to take a tour of their facility and learn more about their great line of products.

Onnit is quickly becoming one of favorite companies because of the wide range of amazingly effective, high-quality products they offer. I’ve been a big fan of Alpha Brain for a while but I also got to try their new Alpha Brain Instant, as well as some of their staples such as Shroom Tech Sport, and Dolce Whey protein, none of which disappointed.

Now having an even better understanding of their products, I’m going to be recommending Onnit to a lot more people. In fact, because the folks at Onnit are so awesome, they’re letting me give 10% off any product to all of my readers. Like I said, awesome.

As fun as all that was however, the real reason I was there was to network with all the other coaches in the group; and learn how I could help better serve the Jorden Pagel Fitness family. I’ve always fancied myself more a listener than a talker, and I like to use every opportunity I have to learn from those who’re more successful than me.

And as I expected, the weekend did not disappoint. I came away with idea after idea about how I can better help my clients and take JPF to the next level over the next few months.

But a lot of what we discussed was applicable to more than just fitness. Here are four ways you can start improving your business, life, and success today…


 Be actionable.


If you’re sitting around waiting for great things to happen to you, all you’re going to get is a sore ass.

Successful people aren’t so because great things happen to them. They’re successful because they make great things happen.

They take action to get what they want. They don’t wish for things; they DO things.

Taking action requires a mindset shift. It requires you to believe that YOU are in control, that YOU can make things happen for yourself. Too many people play the victim role or have a “woe is me” attitude. They refuse to accept the only force in control of their lives is themselves.

Instead of letting yourself be the victim, take action. Formulate a plan to get what you want out of life. Figure out what steps you need to take, and what tasks you have to complete to get there. Then do it. And if you fail, try again. True failure only happens when you quit trying.

So whether your action finally quitting your job to start your passion project or hiring a coach to help you lose weight, you need to put yourself in control to get the results you want.


Create, create, create.


Success is all about creating opportunities.

One point we really hit on during the weekend was creating great content. As a fitness professional, one of the best ways to be successful and build a business is to create great content.

Put great information out there, show people that you know what you’re talking about, and build a connection with them. Help enough people this way, and eventually the success will come.

But creating isn’t just about content.

If you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or get in shape, you need to create a plan for how you’re going to accomplish it.

To build a successful business, you not only need to create connections with your customers, and but also create relationships with like-minded individuals. One of the best things I’ve ever done for myself was to step outside my comfort zone and reach out to people more successful than me. You’d be surprised how many of them are willing to offer their advice or help, because at one point or another someone else likely did the same for them.

Finding that special someone also requires you to create. You need to create trust, understanding, and love. Only then can you truly be ready to share your life with another person.

In his 2012 commencement speech to the University of the Arts, author Neil Gaimen said,

“Life is sometimes hard. Things go wrong, in life and in love and in business and in friendship and in health and in all the other ways that life can go wrong. And when things get tough, this is what you should do.

Make good art.”

The thing about art is that it comes in many forms, and means something different to everyone. For me, art is pouring my heart and soul into an article, hoping it will reach someone and change his or her life.

But what if it doesn’t? Does that mean the whole process was worthless?


I made it. Whether or not it meant something to someone else, it meant something to me. If no one were to ever read the article, I can still hold it up high and say, “I made this.”

Create for yourself first. People, money, and success will follow.


Decency first. Success second.


“Being a successful trainer is essentially nothing more than being an effective human being.” – John Romaniello

My number one priority when taking on a new client is creating a real connection. I don’t care about anything else. I know if I can forge a relationship with that person, and really connect, I will get them results.

I may not have the biggest biceps, deadlift the most weight, or have the best abs on Instagram, but I get clients results because I know how to connect with them.

Want to know my secret? It’s called being a decent person. And trust me, it’s not hard.

Unfortunately, basic human decency doesn’t seem to exist much nowadays. Everyone is too concerned about what’s in it for them, how can I get more out of this person, how can I get people to give me more money…

Most people don’t take the time to listen, to care, to empathize, or to help. They don’t see value in these things because they don’t get anything from it. But you know what some of the most successful people in the world do? They listen, they care, they go out of their way to help people, to answer every email, every tweet, every Snapchat, or Facebook message.

They follow the belief that if you treat people how you would like to be treated, good things will come from it.

Crazy right?

Simply treating people as people, with respect and decency, will make you far richer than anything else.


Be you.


We talked about writing a lot over the weekend, and the big theme was that in order to be a great writer, you need to find your voice. And as much as I enjoy reading the work of others, I can’t force myself to write like them and expect to be successful.

Because ultimately, one way or another, people will spot a fake. Not everyone may like what you have to say, but they’ll respect you much more for being you than trying to be something you’re not.

There are so many ways we’re “suppose” to do things. We’re “suppose” to go to school, and get a good job. We’re “suppose” to do [Insert exercise here] for fat loss. We’re “suppose” to do a lot of things. But that doesn’t mean they’re always best things for us.

You can walk many different paths on the journey to reaching your goals. Each one will get you there, but only one will get you there in the most effective and efficient way possible. That is the best path.

Be you. If you’re a writer, find your voice. If you hate your job, start a business you’re passionate about. If you want to lose weight, find a plan you can stick to. Find your way; your method. Then crush the shit out of it.

Figure out what inspires you; what makes you want to run through walls to accomplish your goals. Maybe it’s listening to a podcast. Maybe it’s reading a book. It could be seeking out a mentor to help guide you. Or maybe it’s something as simple as creating a better life for your family.

Whatever inspires your action, find it.

Whatever inspires you to create, find it.

Whatever inspires you to be you, to dream, and to accomplish your dream, find it.

And when you do, success will find you.



Jorden Pagel

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