Las Vegas Luck

I just recently returned home from an annual trip to Las Vegas. Each year me and a group of friends make the pilgrimage to Sin City for March Madness, gambling, and most importantly, buffets.

I was lucky enough on this trip to have my amazing girlfriend along as well. She and her family ended up booking their spring break vacation for the same time, so I got to spend time with her in addition to the usual male bonding.

I’m not a big gambler; for two reasons: 1) I never win much, and 2) I like my money…a lot. But on this trip I was actually having some success. (To clarify, success in Vegas to me means not losing everything I brought).

Anyway, I was in the hole a little, but not a lot, which to me was good.

It was the 5th and final night of the trip, and my girlfriend and I were walking through the Aria casino. I had that last night itch. If you’ve ever been to Vegas you know the one; where you have some money burning a hole in your pocket and you’re looking to make some last minute magic happen.

We happened to walk past one of the machines I’d been having some luck at, and it was open. So I said, “Fuck it.” sat down, threw in what I had left of what I brought, and waited to get rich.

And with each bet I could hear Lady Vegas laughing louder and louder.

Less than 20 minutes later, I was cashing out…with 40 cents.

I was pissed. I had watched multiple people around me win big all week. One guy in our group even hit the same number on roulette…FIVE TIMES.

Where was my luck? Why couldn’t I win? I’m not asking for millions, just enough to take care of bills for a few months. Why was that so much to ask?

As we walked around, and my girlfriend machine-hopped, I stewed. I was mad. Just once I wanted to win big. Just once I wanted to be the lucky one.

And as I walked around the beautiful casino, with this beautiful woman holding my hand, I thought to myself, “What the fuck is wrong with me?”


Luck: An Excuse


Luck is an excuse. Nothing more.

It’s an excuse people use because they can’t look in the mirror and face the real reason they don’t have what they want.

A lot of people believe the reason they aren’t successful is out of their control. By separating themselves from this, they take the blame out of their hands and place it on other people, or things like luck.

I get it. It’s hard to look at yourself in the mirror and say I’m the reason I’m not where I want to be. But it’s the truth. By blaming existential circumstances, you never address the real reason for your lack of success.

People see the success of others and immediately think, “They’re just lucky.” or “If I was in their position, I’d be successful too.”

What they don’t see however is the work. The #grind. The things they do every day to put themselves in position to win.

People who have success do so because they work for it. The cream rises to the top. Those who work hard for something will be successful. Those who try to skate by without putting in the work will eventually fall by the wayside.

Ultimately, you control your own success. You control everything in your life to some degree or another. You may not be able to determine everything that happens to you, but you do control how you deal with it.

You may not be able to determine everything that happens to you, but you do control how you deal with it. Click To Tweet

How did I deal with it? I had a heart-to-heart with myself.

I made the decision to throw my money into that machine. I knew the odds. It had nothing to do with a lack of luck. I could have kept that money in my pocket and went home with it.

I was fortunate enough to be on vacation with my friends, and my girlfriend; something not everyone gets to do. I was fortunate enough to be in a position where I had a little money to gamble.

I embrace that I’m in control of how my life plays out…because I work. I #grind. I write articles and answer emails in the airport on a two-hour flight delay.

Any time I get down, I remind myself that I’m in control. My life has changed dramatically since I started embracing this mindset. I’m happier. I’m more productive. I’ve realized that there’s no such thing as lucky or unlucky people, just people willing to do the work and put themselves in the position to win, and those who’d rather place blame.

Which are you?

Jorden Pagel

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