December 31, 2017

8 Mini-Resolutions For A Better Everything In 2018

I’ve put together a list of the most beneficial, yet simple things, that you can do this year to help improve your mind, body, business, and get better in 2018. I call them mini-resolutions, because sometimes you don’t have to go for the home run. Sometimes - in fact most of the time - it’s the small, incremental, simple things that take you the furthest.
November 27, 2017

10 Hormones You Need to Know About for Building An Elite-Level Physique

Hormones are part of our endocrine system, and basically act as chemical messengers in our body. They are produced by various glands, and control everything from hunger, sex and reproduction, to mood and emotions. But, they can also play a huge role in body composition, and our ability to effectively lose fat, build muscle, and look great naked.
November 16, 2017

The Complete Incomplete Guide to Supplements: Revised and Optimized Edition

The basics start with your diet, training, and lifestyle habits. Once those have been taken care of, supplements can act as the proverbial cherry on top.
November 2, 2017

The 5.5 Characteristics of A Successful Fat Loss Plan

Not every fat loss plan is created equal. The reason a plan is successful long-term is that it contains most - if not all - of these characteristics.
October 20, 2017

Hi, I’m Jorden, and I’m An Online Fitness Coach

When I first got into fitness - following guys like John Romaniello, Adam Bornstein, Martin Berkhan, Andy Morgan, and others - my dream was always to coach clients online.
June 27, 2017

Stop Timing Your Rest Periods?

The biggest driver of what makes a successful workout is intensity. Now, there are a ton of different factors that play a role in workout intensity, but the biggest ones are sets, reps, weight (otherwise know as workout volume), and – you guessed it – rest times.
November 2, 2017

The 5.5 Characteristics of A Successful Fat Loss Plan

Not every fat loss plan is created equal. The reason a plan is successful long-term is that it contains most - if not all - of these characteristics.
October 20, 2017

Hi, I’m Jorden, and I’m An Online Fitness Coach

When I first got into fitness - following guys like John Romaniello, Adam Bornstein, Martin Berkhan, Andy Morgan, and others - my dream was always to coach clients online.
June 27, 2017

Stop Timing Your Rest Periods?

The biggest driver of what makes a successful workout is intensity. Now, there are a ton of different factors that play a role in workout intensity, but the biggest ones are sets, reps, weight (otherwise know as workout volume), and – you guessed it – rest times.
April 19, 2017

Intermittent Fasting Revisited

A long, long time ago, on a webpage far far away, I wrote a couple of articles on intermittent fasting (IF). In the first article I talked about the physiological benefits fasting may have, and in the second article I broke down the different versions of IF and how they could be used to help you lose fat.
March 24, 2017

Hormones and Fat Loss

When it comes to hormones and fat loss, everything works together. Each of the hormones we talked about here, and many others, all work together in an intricate system of checks and balances. If one is out of wack, that's likely to throw off others as well.
March 13, 2017

The First Ever JPF Online Coaching Scholarship Contest

If you’re ready to take yourself to the next level, fill out the coaching application, and who knows…you may be the very first winner of the JPF Coaching Scholarship contest, and take the first step towards changing your fitness, and your life.