December 31, 2017

8 Mini-Resolutions For A Better Everything In 2018

I’ve put together a list of the most beneficial, yet simple things, that you can do this year to help improve your mind, body, business, and get better in 2018. I call them mini-resolutions, because sometimes you don’t have to go for the home run. Sometimes - in fact most of the time - it’s the small, incremental, simple things that take you the furthest.
November 27, 2017

10 Hormones You Need to Know About for Building An Elite-Level Physique

Hormones are part of our endocrine system, and basically act as chemical messengers in our body. They are produced by various glands, and control everything from hunger, sex and reproduction, to mood and emotions. But, they can also play a huge role in body composition, and our ability to effectively lose fat, build muscle, and look great naked.
November 16, 2017

The Complete Incomplete Guide to Supplements: Revised and Optimized Edition

The basics start with your diet, training, and lifestyle habits. Once those have been taken care of, supplements can act as the proverbial cherry on top.
November 2, 2017

The 5.5 Characteristics of A Successful Fat Loss Plan

Not every fat loss plan is created equal. The reason a plan is successful long-term is that it contains most - if not all - of these characteristics.
October 20, 2017

Hi, I’m Jorden, and I’m An Online Fitness Coach

When I first got into fitness - following guys like John Romaniello, Adam Bornstein, Martin Berkhan, Andy Morgan, and others - my dream was always to coach clients online.
June 27, 2017

Stop Timing Your Rest Periods?

The biggest driver of what makes a successful workout is intensity. Now, there are a ton of different factors that play a role in workout intensity, but the biggest ones are sets, reps, weight (otherwise know as workout volume), and – you guessed it – rest times.
February 23, 2017

Creatine Quickie: The Dirt on One of the Most Effective Supplements on the Market

If you've any sort of foot in the fitness or supplement arena, you’ve undoubtedly heard of creatine before. It’s been around for over twenty years, and is the most popular and researched supplement ever. Despite this, there’s a lot of bad information out there surrounding this wildly popular supplement, and its use. My goal here today is to set the record straight, and show you why this very effective supplement should be in your stack...
February 11, 2017

Discipline, Hardships, and Taking Control

The process of getting ourselves to that point - to the point where we're ready to go out and get what we want - is. For some, this may take a few days. For others, it may take a few years. But we're all capable of getting there. It's just a matter of deciding to let go of the beliefs that are holding us back.
February 2, 2017

Clean Eating is Unnecessary

At its core, clean eating is essentially the minimization or elimination of processed foods from one’s diet. The definition of “clean” however, tends to shift with the nutritional trends of the time...
January 4, 2017

Accountability, Reverse Bets, & Making Motivation Stick

When it comes to getting shit done, I consider myself to be pretty efficient...With focus, and without distractions...I can bust out between 1,500 - 2,000 words an hour...I never miss article deadlines...I’m in and out of the gym in 45 minutes...I’m the first one done eating, cause you know, I got stuff to do...Ladies always come first...All the important stuff.
December 31, 2016

Big, Shitty, Important Lessons From 2016

Perspective is a funny thing. If you’re reading this then you lived through 2016. We all had the same 365 days; the same 8,760 hours. But for some, those days and hours we’re great. For others, they were a fucking nightmare.
December 12, 2016

Testosterone 401: Testosterone In Women

While the information we’ve discussed up to this is important for everyone to know, most of it has been geared towards men, and maintaining optimal testosterone levels. But testosterone is equally important for women as well, and in today’s post, we’re going to take a look at the role testosterone plays in the female body, and why it’s just as vital for women to live a healthy life.