A great workout is like great sex; you’re really excited before hand, sometimes it’s not even planned, there’s a lot of noises involved, and if you do it right, when you’re finished, you’re left hot, sweaty, exhausted, and maybe don’t even remember your name...
The process of getting ourselves to that point - to the point where we're ready to go out and get what we want - is. For some, this may take a few days. For others, it may take a few years. But we're all capable of getting there. It's just a matter of deciding to let go of the beliefs that are holding us back.
At its core, clean eating is essentially the minimization or elimination of processed foods from one’s diet. The definition of “clean” however, tends to shift with the nutritional trends of the time...
The power look is a physique that turns heads when you walk into a room. It’s powerful. It’s intimidating. No one wants to mess with you. It’s a look of athleticism, of strength, of respect, and of sex appeal. It’s the look many who start a weight training program want, but few ever achieve. Read on to learn more...
Ab training is far more than trying to sculpt a perfect six-pack; it's about creating a strong and stable core that helps protect you from injury, increases performance, and okay yes, helps you look all kinds of sexy.
Did you know that walking is one of the best ways to shred fat, build muscle, and get stronger? Well it is. But we're not just talking about regular walking here. We're talking about some serious level of badass walking...
Testosterone is the most important hormone in the male body, and is responsible for regulating everything from sexual function, to overall health and performance. In the first of four articles about testosterone and it's importance, we discuss exactly what testosterone is, and the role it plays in almost everything...
When used properly, an aggressive fat loss plan, can be very effective for helping people lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time. Here are the characteristics of a good aggressive fat loss plan...
What followed however, was essentially four years of jogging in place (not literally, that’s too much cardio). I saw no gains, lost no weight, and probably left college in worse shape than I came into it.
The chest is made up of a number of different muscle groups, but when it comes to chest training, there are really three that you’re going to focus on: the pectoralis major, clavicular head, and the sternal head.
This article the first in a seven part series, focusing on the best exercises for mass. Today, we're starting at the top, with the ten best shoulder exercises...
I talked a lot last week about why Athletic Greens is one of the best supplements on the market, thus making it one of my favorites. But it doesn’t hold the number one spot, however.
That belongs to Onnit’s Alpha Brain.